Who We Are

Dintello Consulting Services is a new company entering the Digital Technology market to fill the gap of responsible and specialized IT solutions and services in organizations with increased service needs.

Dintello consulting introduction photo
Custom & Ready made Applications

Create applications for enterprises, custom made to meet specific requirements. Smarter design leads to faster prototyping and iterations.

Operations and IT Consulting

Embrace digital IT technologies and provide your team with the training, tools, systems and guidance they need to sustain these savings over the long term to help you reap the benefits of faster processes with lower cost and higher quality using Lean Six Sigma.

Extended Human Resources

Provide the best tech professionals for software development staff to support project/s in local or remote teams.

Custom made Applications

Design and implement personalized and omni-channel experiences, investing in digital capabilities to improve communications and sharpen the end-to-end process.

Dintello offers services in the following areas:

Custom & Ready made Applications

Operations and IT Consulting

Extended Human Resources 

Software Solutions

Design and implement personalized and omni-channel experiences, investing in digital capabilities to improve communications and sharpen the end-to-end process.

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      63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


      +12 (0) 345 678 9

